Nurturing Connections Marriage and Family Therapy, PLLC

Michelle VanHatten & Thane Green

Family Therapists, LMFT’S

(315) 291 – 0033

Counseling for Families and
Adopted/Foster Children

There is so much to say about “Parenting Kids from Hard Places…”

As you can already imagine, parenting is no easy feat.

Once you add the life experiences of foster care, adoption, and trauma to the mix, parenting sometimes feels unmanageable.

The list goes on and on – juggling the kids while simultaneously doing laundry, visits or court dates, paying bills, answering emails, going to work, cleaning the house, and grocery shopping challenge even the best of us.

The Rollercoaster of Emotions Emerges

And as we try to combine pleasure and fun into the mix of our fast-paced lives, challenging behaviors and attitudes emerge from everyone.

Our buttons inevitably get pushed by our kids, and we yell and say things, such as…

“I don’t want to hear another word; you should know better than this; stop whining; grow up; go to your room.” And the comments continue.

With the continuation of comments, behaviors escalate until BOOM – the blowup occurs, and the meltdown erupts from everyone!

Suddenly, we feel guilt, shame, and regret…

So, we quickly try to justify our actions.

“If only they had listened, I would never have yelled. They pushed my buttons. I am the parent. This was for their good to help them learn. They were interrupting me, and I didn’t have time for it.”

To break away from all the chaos, we may indulge in too much shopping, eating, drinking, or spending time on our phones.

At times, life and parenting feel like just too much.

As the cycle continues, our behaviors and actions regulate our emotions.

The tricky part is that this cycle affects our ability to connect with our kids. All this becomes the model for our kids to manage their own emotions.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. There is an answer to the chaos.

Family dynamics can change.

You can end the stressful days and change your family for the better.

With me as your guide, you will learn specific methods that treat the whole child and bring hope and healing to your family.

Together, we’ll make breakthroughs and create lasting connections to reduce the effects of harm and promote lasting emotional growth.

Using Attachment-Based Therapy, a leading approach for foster and adopted children, I focus on how the early connections we create with others, especially our caregivers, affects how we navigate and behave in the world.

Treatment also involves developing an understanding of your child’s neurology and using a sensory-rich experience to bring about a positive transformation.

This integrative approach is extremely helpful for all ages, regardless of the level of abuse endured.

Let’s start the healing process.

Isn’t it time to heal your broken hearts and rediscover the joys of parenting?

Are you ready to implement effective methods to empower your child to thrive?

It is never too late.

Call (513) 781-9764 today to set up your free consultation – let’s get started!

I work with individuals, couples, and families in person or through online video sessions.